
main settings menu

Set up allThings on the main settings menu by deciding about general behaviour of the application. From main menu you get to the configutation menu by pushing settings button.

show records with categorisation
When show records with categorisation is activated all items of a collection will be displayed in categories. For example if your collection is about books, items will be categorized by language. If you choose English: all English books will be shown categorized by genre and later by author. So you have a very good overview about your books. This feature will be describes more detailled in  categorization.

skip categories without alternatives
When items are shown categorized sometimes all items will be in one category so there is no alternative category to choose. if skip categories without alternatives is activated these screens will be skipped so you do not need to choose the one and only value in this case.

use password
You can protect your data stored in allThings against access of unauthorized people. Simply switch use password on and you will be asked to provide a password. Please insert it twice to verify your input. Each time allThings is started you are asked for the password to use the data.

When you use allThings full version there will be a second pair of password input fields. Here you can provide a second, a super-user-password. Both passwords will give you access to your data. But only the super-user-password lets you see all collections. When you have some very special collections you can hide them from collection list when just the normal password is used. (learn more about this feature here)

resize images
You can add images to the items in your stored collections. The images you choose will be resized while import for memory issues. Here you can decide about the maximum format to be used for resizing. A smaller image format has in effect a smaller file size of the file but also a lower image quality.

include images in exports
All data stored in allThings can be exported to an archive ath-file to be send to other persons or to be used for backup reasons. You can decide wether include images of your items in the exports or not. If include images in exports is turned off images will not be included. This causes a smaller file size of the archive file and a faster processing while import or export.

Note: If images are not included in exports the files are smaller and can maybe better send by email. All data will be imported and can be used by another device, but not the images. Images can be added later by hand.

show origin for imported records
When you receive data from an other person you can import it and use it with allThings. If show origin for imported records is switched ON, all imported items from different devices will be listed separate. In this case when you browse a collection all items are listed separated by an orange bar showing the original device the item was imported from (see image on right side).
In detail view of each imported dataset the original device name will be shown as well (see here).

create backup
Pressing on the button create backup allThings will put all data of all collections in one large archive file that can be used for backup reasons. Depending on your configuration (see above) images will be included or not.
The archive files are stored in the application memory on your device. You can access them via iTunes for example or use them to import into allThings.

import file
The button import file takes you to a list of available files for import. There are all backup files, imported files from different devices and all exported files that you have send by email. Simply choose the file you want to use for import and press import. All data stored in this file will be added to your database.

Note Backup: If you import a full backup file from your own device all collections included in the backup are deleted and populated with data from the backup.

Note own collection archive: If you import a complete archive of one of your own collections the corresponding collection is deleted and populated with data from the file.

Note received collection archive: If you import a complete archive of a received collection (from another device) a corresponding collection will be searched to import all items from the file. If no collection can be found a new one will be created that matches all items from the archive file.

Note received item archive: If you import a single record of a collection (your own or from another device) a corresponding collection will be searched to import this items from the file. If no collection can be found a new one will be created that machtes the item from the archive file.

When you have imported data from an ath-archive file you will find a badge icon on the corresponding collection that informs you about the number of imported items.

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